Продукти за Маринади за с и ф (3)

Маска за коса с Макадамия - Маски за коса

Маска за коса с Макадамия - Маски за коса

Gracias al aceite de macadamia natural de su contenido, es un producto eficaz para el cuidado del cabello que hidrata y nutre profundamente el cabello, ayudando a que el cabello se vuelva más brillante, suave y fácil de peinar. SKU:31181
MCK Маска за коса с оцет 500 мл

MCK Маска за коса с оцет 500 мл

MCK Hair Mask with Vinegar provides the care of your hair needs. Helps to prevent wear, breakage and breaking off in hair strands. Protects your hair from external factors and provides a vibrant and brighter appearance. Thanks to the Apple Vinegar in its content, helps repair hair breakage. Bringes your hair a more lush and voluminous appearance. Suitable for all hair types. Apply to damp hair with a wide-wooth comb. Feed it to all hair from root to tip and leave it on your hair for 5-10 minutes. After waiting time, rinse your hair with warm water. Use at least once a week. If your curls are tight, you can apply 2-3 times in a week to your hair.
Маска за коса с макадамия - Маски за коса

Маска за коса с макадамия - Маски за коса

Dank des darin enthaltenen natürlichen Macadamiaöls handelt es sich um ein wirksames Haarpflegeprodukt, das das Haar intensiv mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und nährt und dabei hilft, das Haar strahlender, weicher und leichter kämmbar zu machen. Artikelnummer:31181